Strength & Conditioning (Partner Access)
Conditioning for Football - Starting
In this module, we will look at the importance of ‘starting speed’ in the modern game. The ability to accelerate quickly to create or close space is fundamental to successful performance when we consider that the average sprint distance in the game is around 10-15m.
Conditioning for Football - Sprinting
With the modern game consisting of more and more high-intensity sprints, this course will identify ways to improve your player's top speed. The knowledge provided within the module will allow you to utilise the methods demonstrated to create a safe and progressive environment for your team.
Conditioning for Football - Strength
In this course, we will be exploring the key ways in which strength training can improve football performance. We will be looking at how strength is a key physical quality which underpins many of the other physical attributes we are looking to develop in players.
Maximising Intensity
This lesson will give you a free taster into the content within the course 'Conditioning for Football'. The taster includes two topics from the course 'Structure & Philosophy' which are 'Maximising Intensity' and 'Female Players' for you to work through.